About Us

Brittni Livingston

Social Media / Copywriting

My name is Brittni and I specialize in Website Copy and Social Media Management. I'm in the fortunate position to be able to say that I absolutely love what I do, as writing was my childhood dream and social media has been a constant fascination of mine in my adult years. In my spare time, I'm a content creator on Instagram and TikTok with a cumulative 60 thousand followers. I see social media as a beautiful organic tool to connect with like minded individuals and a way to share our stories with the world. I also have the unique experience of having been both a brand and a creator on social media, which has given me invaluable insight on what does and doesn't work when trying to promote to an audience. Through all my trial and error, I've learned the best practices when posting to socials and writing copy, and I'm excited to share what I've learned with you.

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Michael Hendry


My name is Michael (In the 80's and 90's you were either a Michael or an Ashley. You didn't get to be an Aiden or a Madison until the 2000's) and I specialize in Shopify development here at Waypost! I really enjoy working with Shopify sellers on designing their selling platform from the ground up, or expanding the capabilities of their current site! Small and family businesses are my favorite clients to work with as I love bringing passion projects to life via code and helping them reach their full potential.

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Mack Slevin

Designer / Developer

I do an extensive amount of typing here at Waypost. Typing like you wouldn't believe. Caps lock? I USE IT. The escape key? Let's get gone.

The majority of the typing somehow results in functional computer code and designs, a mysterious occurrence for which I'm thankful. Go to the contact form on this website and I'll be happy to allot some of this typing to your next project.

Outside of that I spend my time listening to a truly obscene amount of podcasts and enjoying the sights and sounds of my beautiful hometown of Los Angeles, CA, Land of Stars™.

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