
When it comes to your copy, we sweat the details because, as Stephen King said, “To write is human, to edit is divine.”

  • Amazon Listing and A+ Content
  • Website Copy
  • Blog Copy
  • Landing Page Copy
  • Your copy will come out Shining!

Social Media Management

We want your socials to make your followers connect like when Harry met Sally.

  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Content Creation - Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest
  • Social Media Scheduling
  • They'll have what you're selling

Web Development

We want your website to make you feel like we feel when Elton sings "Tiny Dancer."

  • Full Stack Development
  • Shopify Theme Development
  • Custom, Personalized Web Page and Feature Designs
  • Experienced in HTML, CSS, Liquid, Javascript, Node.js, MongoDB and more!
  • We'll hold your tiny website close. (And medium and large website. We pride ourselves on responsive design.)